GSCN Workshops

New developments in disease modeling and drug discovery

16 & 17 Nov. 2023
LIFE & BRAIN, Bonn, Venusberg-Campus 1, building 76, 53127 Bonn, Germany
V-Hotel, Haager Weg, 53127 Bonn
Full - 230 €, GSCN member - 170 €, Students - 150 €,
GSCN student member - 120 €,
includes workshop, catering, dinner and accomodation

This two-day workshop will bring together experts from stem cell-based disease modeling and drug development and address the latest developments in this rapidly expanding field.
The event will feature expert talks from academia and pharma, moderated discussion rounds and short project vignettes by the workshop participants. 
Topics to be addressed range from biological and infrastructural prerequisites for stem cell-based drug discovery to strategic issues such as proper placement of stem cell tools in the pharmaceutical value chain. 
We expect a focused and highly interactive event on the beautiful Bonn Medical Campus and look forward to your participation!

Speaker list:

plus selected talks and project pitches. If you are interested to present your specific reserach project as a short 5 minute project statement please send us a brief information on the project to

Flyer  here

Program  here

Register  here

GSCN Workshops

Der nächste GSCN-PEI Workshop zu ATMPs ist im 

November 2025 in Potsdam.

Bitte finden Sie alle weiteren Informationen hier.

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