Conferences & Events

The GSCN aims to foster stem cell research, to foster the networking and collaboration of researchers of different fields and to encourage basic research as well as translation from bench to bed for the benefit of the patients and the society.

The Annual GSCN Conference is the center piece of the GSCN network, creating an inspiring event of exchanging data, meeting researchers of the stem cell field and supporting new collaborations and interactions. Check out the program and venue of the upcoming GSCN Conference or stroll through past ones to get inspired by excellent speakers, topics and abstracts.

GSCN Events offer workshops, meetings and GSCN sessions at other conferences to promote more information, more networking, more exchange and better results for the researchers and the science.
An important tool as support is the Event Calendar, showing important upcoming national and international meetings of the field.

Public Events are another aim of the GSCN to open stem cell research to a broad public, to stakeholders and to patients – the GSCN intends to offer a current and transparent insight into the state of research, especially concerning application and translation.

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