Online Lectures: Stem Cell Club Lübeck

The stem Cell Club Lübeck starts in March 2023 with a monthly virtual lecture series about stem cel research and organoids. Everybody is invited to join and discuss online.

Please find the Zoom link here.
More information here

Future Talks:

Bastian Zimmer (Evotec HH) & Arne Hansen (UKE HH)





BIH Lecture - in cooperation with the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN)

Talk: tbd
by Steve Goldman

Division of Cell and Gene Therapy, Univ. of Rochester, US

Moderation Q&A: Dr. Daniel Besser (Managing Director GSCN).

Friday, 9 December 2022
Venue on-site: Einstein Saal, BBAW Gendarmenmarkt, Berlin
12:00 – 1:00 pm (CET) | BIH Lecture
1:10 – 2:00 pm | "Meet the Speaker" with Steve Goldman


BIH Lecture - in cooperation with the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN)

"Engineering Organoid Development"
by Prof. Matthias Lütolf

Scientific Director of the Roche Institute for Translational Bioengineering and a Professor of Bioengineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)

Welcome and Introduction: Prof. Christopher Baum (Chairman of the BIH Board of Directors and Chief Translational Research Officer of Charité). Moderation Q&A: Prof. Hans Schöler (President GSCN, MPI Münster). Moderation Meet the Speaker: Dr. Daniel Besser (Managing Director GSCN).

Matthias Lutolf

Friday, 17 December 2021
12:00 – 1:00 pm (CET) | BIH Lecture
1:10 – 2:00 pm | "Meet the Speaker" with Prof. Lutolf
Register here


BIH Lecture
In his BIH Lecture, Prof. Matthias Lutolf will talk about Engineering Organoid Development. Organoids form through poorly understood morphogenetic processes in which initially homogeneous ensembles of stem cells spontaneously self-organize in suspension or within permissive three-dimensional extracellular matrices. Yet, the absence of virtually any predefined patterning influences such as morphogen gradients or mechanical cues results in an extensive heterogeneity. Moreover, the current mismatch in shape, size and lifespan between native organs and their in vitro counterparts hinders their even wider applicability. In this talk Prof. Lutolf will discuss some of his group's ongoing efforts in developing next-generation organoids that are assembled by guiding cell-intrinsic self-patterning through engineered stem cell microenvironments.

About the Speaker
Matthias Lutolf is the Scientific Director of the Roche Institute for Translational Bioengineering and a Professor of Bioengineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). His research focuses on the use of cutting-edge bioengineering strategies to guide stem cell-based development to build novel organoids with improved reproducibility and physiological relevance for basic research and real-world applications in drug discovery and development.


BIH Lecture:
"Current Status and Future Vision of Retinal Cell Therapy"
by Dr. Masayo Takahashi
Riken Center for Developmental Biology (Japan)

The BIH Lecture is organized in cooperation with the German Stem Cell Network.
Welcome and Introduction: Prof. Georg N. Duda (BIH Chair, BIH Regeneration and Julius Wolff Institut)
Moderation: Prof. Hans Schöler (GSCN President, MPI Münster)

Masayo Takahashi

Friday, 28 May 2021
12:00 – 1:00 pm | BIH Lecture
1:10 – 2:00 pm | "Meet the Speaker" with Dr. Takahashi


BIH Lecture
In her BIH Lecture, Dr. Masayo Takahashi will talk about the current status and future vision of retinal cell therapy. In 2013 her project group at the Riken Center for Developmental Biology in Japan initiated the first human application of autologous iPS cell-derived RPE (iPSC-RPE) cells for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In 2017, they proceeded with a clinical study using allogeneic iPSC-RPE cell transplants with matched HLA6 loci. In this trial, it was proven that if the HLA is not mismatched, the immune response can be controlled without the use of systemic immunosuppressive drugs. In January 2021, the third clinical study (Phase 2) started using iPSC-RPE started and the target diseases to RPE-impaired diseases including AMD and various degenerative diseases were expanded. Regarding the immune response, the research group of Dr. Takahashi obtained in vivo and in vitro POC on the safety and efficacy of iPSC-RPE with partial HLA-KO.

About the Speaker
Dr. Masayo Takahashi joined the RIKEN CDB as a Team Leader of the Lab for Retinal Regeneration in 2006. In 2013, her team launched a pilot clinical study of autologous iPS cell-derived RPE cell sheets for exudative aged-related macular degeneration (AMD), and performed the first RPE cell sheet graft transplantation in September 2014. In August 2019, she started a new carrier as a president of start up company; Vision Care Inc. (VC’), that will collaborate with RIKEN and Kobe Eye Center with the ultimate goal of bringing stem cell therapies to patients.

Online: UniStem Day 2021 on Demand

UniStem Day Lectures on Demand (DE)

Take a look at the lectures of the UniStem Day 2021 in Berlin with topics as organoids, heart surgery and rare diseases.


Online-Diskussion - Anmeldung erforderlich

23. 11. 2020 um 18:00 Uhr - Online-Veranstaltung:

"Brain in a dish" - Was genau sind Organoide?

Die Online-Veranstaltung bietet einen Überblick über aktuelle Forschungstendenzen und greift ethische und rechtliche Fragen insbesondere in Bezug auf Hirnorganoide auf. Die Referent*innen gehören zu den Pionieren des Gebietes sowie der begleitenden ethischen und rechtlichen Reflexion.

Organoide sind stammzellbasierte dreidimensionale Zellstrukturen, die außerhalb des Körpers entwickelt werden. Sie ähneln bestimmten Organen wie etwa dem Darm oder dem Gehirn. Ihre Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Forschung und Medizin sind vielfältig. Über derzeitige Entwicklungen, Potenziale und Herausforderungen der Erforschung von Organoiden diskutieren:

Sina Bartfeld (Zentrum für Infektionsforschung, Universität Würzburg, IAG Gentechnologiebericht)
Jürgen Knoblich (Direktor Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Silke Schicktanz (stellvertretende Direktorin Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin, Universität Göttingen, IAG Gentechnologiebericht)
Jochen Taupitz (Direktor Inst.für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim, IAG Gentechnologiebericht)

Moderation: Volker Stollorz (Wissenschaftsjournalist, Geschäftsführer und Redaktionsleiter des Science Media Center Germany, Köln).

Das Publikum ist eingeladen Fragen zu stellen über den Chat.



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