Stem Cell Unit - Göttingen (SCU-G)

The Stem Cell Unit – Göttingen (SCU) is a technology platform at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG). The facility offers support in research and teaching in the fields of stem cell research for clinics and institutes of the UMG and the University Göttingen, as well as for university and extra-university research institutions of the science center Göttingen and beyond.

The SCU offers services within the scope of generation, cultivation and characterization of patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), its genome editing as well as its in vitro differentiation into relevant cell types (like patient-specific cardiomyocytes or neurons). Apart from the laboratory services, the SCU offers consultation of scientific projects, provision of infrastructure, equipment and protocols, support in project planning, experimental design and learning of the necessary methodical spectrum as well as support in applications for funding and ethical approvals. Furthermore, the SCU acts as biobank for patient-specific iPSCs and iPSC derivatives. All offered services follow established and validated SOPs. Detailed information and consultancy is available upon request.

Our own research focusses on the generation of patient-specific iPSCs and their applications in genome editing, cardiac differentiation, tissue engineering and disease modelling.



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