Information for patients

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) has published an updated 
Guide to Stem Cell Treatment
It is central to the society’s mission to share scientifically accurate information to inform patients and families about the current state of stem cell research and potential treatments. The ISSCR aims to further patient safety and public health through our efforts to promote legitimate stem cell research and credible stem cell treatments.

GSCN school material: "Understanding Stem Cells - The conference for schools"

The GSCN and the Schering Stiftung developed new material about stem cells for high schools in German. The four units á 90 minutes cover the topics "Basics, Ethics, Therapies, Genetics" and offer an insight into the wide area of stem cells and related fields. Teachers find a didactic concept based on elements of a scientific conference - students slip into the role of scientists and give key lectures, present posters and discuss on panels about all kind of aspects about stem cells. Please take a look

Analogue & digital exhibition

Stem cells: cells for life – 10 posters (in German and in English) to download

The GSCN has developed an exhibition for institutes, universities and teachers - 10 posters on topics of current stem cell research like diabetes, organoids, skin, ethics and many more. Each poster is accompanied by a website with videos, factsheets and an interactive quiz to deepen the information.
The highlight: The posters are available as DINA 0 format on the GSCN website - anyone can download them, print them out as posters or roll-ups - and immediately has a complete, analogue and digitally enhanced, exhibition on stem cells, research and application at hand.

The English posters can be downloaded as print version here.


Link to the website (only in German): Stammzellen - Zellen fürs Leben

GSCN White Paper "Translation – from the stem cell toward innovative therapy“ (in German)

A working group " Translation of stem cell based therapies” has published a White Paper "Translation - from the stem cell toward innovative therapy. Analysis and recommendations for clinical translation of stem cell research in Germany" (in German)  on the hurdles and gaps of the translation process of stem cell research. If you are interested to get the White Paper, please contact the GSCN central office (contact: GSCN Office).
Read more here.

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