Scientific Resources

Scientific resources are support options of the GSCN for researchers to foster their research and their career.

Funding for scientists means offering opportunities - be that on the job market, with special GSCN Travel Awards as financial support to visit international conferences or specific programs to support women/young mothers/young families in the field on their way up in their career. The GSCN Awards are acknowledgements of the community for outstanding scientific performance and presented annually at the GSCN Conference.

Scientific information about stem cell research and an overview of research activities in specific fields on an interested public level can be found in the GSCN Annual Magazines and the GSCN Newsletter.

A network within the GSCN network is PluriCore – a network of core facilities to exchange data and protocols with annual meetings. Their members offer insight in excellent institutions.

An overview of national and international stem cell organizations offers an orientation in the field – and they all offer different options of information and support.

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