GSCN Stem Cell Day - Dresden 2024
Date: 24 April 2024
Venue: MPI-CBG Dresden, Pfotenhauerstraße 108, 01307 Dresden
Barbara Ludwig, University Hospital Dresden & Anthony Gavalas, PLID
Macroencapsulation of human PS cell derived islet-like clusters
Mareike Albert (CRTD)
Gene regulatory mechanisms in neural stem cells
Claudia Ball (NCT/UCC and DKFZ))
Patient-derived cancer models for precision oncology and beyond
Ingmar Glauche (TUD)
Clonality in hematopoesis: a computational perspective
Jacqueline Tabler (MPI-CBG)
Collagen structures maintains mesenchymal stem cell fate and complex nuclear shape in the skull
Ryan Conder, Stem Cell Technologies
Organoids as tools for drug development
GSCN Stem Cell Day - Lübeck & Kiel 2023
Date: 1 March 2023
Seminarraum (CBBM S1/S2 (Loewi))
Center of Brain, Behavior and Metabolism (CBBM)
Universität zu Lübeck, Geb. 66
23562 Lübeck
Anja Trillhaase, Institute for Cardiogenetics, University of Lübeck:
"2D and 3D stem cell models for cardiovascular research“
Franz-Josef Müller, Zentrum für Integrative Psychiatrie ZIP gGmbH, Campus Kiel:
“Modelling chronic inflammatory disorders with hiPSC: The curious case of the Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome”
Matthias Brandenburger, Fraunhofer IMTE:
“Technological challenges for (stem) cell technology. – A perspective from Fraunhofer IMTE”
Philip Seibler, Stem Cell Platform, Institute of Neurogenetics, University of Luebeck and
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein:
“Stem Cells: Platform and Neuronal Disease Modeling”
David Holthaus, AG Meyer/Laboratory of Infection Oncology, Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel:
"Organoid models for infection research"
GSCN Stem Cell Day - Hamburg 2023
Date: 27 February 2023
Time: 14:00 - 17:30 h lectures; 17:30 - 19 h: social event with drinks and snacks
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf
Campus Lehre (N55), Raum 210/211
Martinistraße 52
20246 Hamburg
Ole Pless, Annika Wittich, Fraunhofer ITMP ScreeningPort:
„Human pluripotent stem cell based efficacy and safety models for preclinical drug discovery“
Baris Tursun, Universität Hamburg:
„Identifying reprogramming barriers in genetic model organisms and translation to human cells“
Kristoffer Riecken, Lea-Isabell Schwarze, Boris Fehse, UKE, Interdisziplinäre Klinik und Poliklinik für Stammzelltransplantation:
„Permanent genetic modifications for basic research and clinical translation“
Arne Hansen / Kinga Wrona, UKE, Institut für Experimentelle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie:
„Generation of engineered heart tissue from human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes“
„Human iPSC-derived multi-cell-type engineered heart tissues as an advanced model for pathological cardiac hypertrophy”
Sandra Lubitz, Evotec SE:
„Precision drug discovery with iPSC models as a gamechanger for future medicines“