Featured: GSCN Annual Magazine 2023/24

The global stem cell economy

- The global stem cell economy:
   - Europe
   - North America
   - Asia-Pacific 
- Portrait Georg Duda: Leveraging bioengineering for advanced and sustainable medicine
- White Rhinos: Stem cell technologies - a backbone of science-based species conservation
- and more articles ...

Read it online here (with download link).
Read the German version  here (with download link).

Featured: GSCN Annual Magazine 2022/23

Stem Cell Research and Diseases IV


- Regenerative therapies for skin and cornea
- Degenerative muscle diseases
- Hair loss and regeneration
- Rare diseases
- Improving the transparency, reproducibility and ethical conduct of research
- and more articles ...

Read it online here (with download link).
Read the German version  here (with download link).

Stem Cell Research and Diseases III - 2021/2022

- Hematopoiesis and blood diseases
- Fresh blood from the lab
- Modeling diseases of brain and mind
- Cell replacement therapy for Parkinson's disease
- Learning more about leukemias
- and more articles ...

Read it online here (with download link).
Read the German version  here (with download link).

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