Upcoming GSCN events

Berlin Stem Cell Club
2 May 202416:15 - 17:30 h lectures; 17:30 - 19 h: social event with drinks and snacks
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External Speaker: Mike O. Karl, CRTD TU Dresden
Titel: Retinal stem cell research and neurogenesis

Berlin Speaker: Robert Opitz, Charité Berlin University Medicine
Titel: Modelling thyroid hormone action during early cortex development by single cell RNA-sequencing of human cerebral organoid​s ​

Great UniStem Day 2024 in Germany

Berlin: 150 students, three research talks by Milad Rezvani (Charité), Simone Spuler (MDC, Charité), Sina Bartfeld (TU Berlin), 12 workshops on all aspects from ethics, hands on laboratory experiments, guided tours to Biotech start-ups, gene and cell therapies, .... 
In many other cities as Munich, Hannover,Heidelberg, NRW and Jena UniStem Days took place with high school students getting insight into stem cell research. A highlight day of science communication and for the public engagement of stem cell scientists!

M. Rezvani                     S. Spuler                          S. Bartfeld

Find more impressions here.

New ISSCR patients' guide about stem cell treatments

The ISSCR has published an updated guide about stemcell treatments with ressourceful information for patients, recommendations for questions and considerations before deciding on a stemcell therapie and the risk of unproven stemcell therapies.  The educational resource empowers patients and the public with trusted, essential stem cell knowledge to make informed health decisions. The Guide was written by international scientists.
Find more information in English and German here.

GSCN Civey survey on human embryo and human embryonic stem cell research

EN ( DE)
The German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) has identified changing societal attitudes in Germany towards human embryonic stem cell research in an online survey. When the Stem Cell Act was passed nearly 20 years ago, society stood behind the ban on generating human embryonic stem cells in Germany or using them for research (with few exceptions).
Today, things look different: The majority of respondents, but especially all survey participants with a proven interest in life sciences, affirm research with human embryonic stem cells and also support the generation and import of current stem cell lines. They are convinced that the German Embryo Protection Act of 1990 and the Stem Cell Act of 2007 should be amended to a more research-positive wording.
More information and the data of the survey  here.

Das German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) hat bei einer Online-Umfrage veränderte gesellschaftliche Einstellungen in Deutschland zur Forschung mit humanen embryonalen Stammzellen festgestellt. Als vor knapp 20 Jahren das Stammzellgesetz verabschiedet wurde, stand die Gesellschaft hinter dem Verbot, in Deutschland humane embryonale Stammzellen herzustellen oder für die Forschung (mit wenigen Ausnahmen) zu verwenden.
Heute sieht das anders aus: Die Mehrheit der Befragten, ganz besonders aber alle Umfrageteilnehmer*innen mit ausgewiesenem Interesse an Lebenswissenschaften, bejahen die Forschung mit humanen embryonalen Stammzellen und befürworten auch die Herstellung und Import von aktuellen Stammzelllinien. Ihrer Überzeugung nach sollten das deutsche Embryonenschutzgesetz von 199o und das Stammzellgesetz von 2007 geändert werden zu einer forschungspositiveren Formulierung.
Mehr Informationen und die Daten der Umfrage  hier.

GSCN Awards 2023

The "GSCN 2023 Young Investigator Award" goes to Meike Hohwieler from the Institute of Molecular Oncology and Stem Cell Biology at Ulm University Hospital.

The "GSCN 2023 Hilde Mangold Award" goes to Anne Grapin-Botton from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in Dresden.

The "GSCN 2023 Publication of the Year Award" goes to Ruzhica Bogeska, ... Michael D. Milsom from Division of Experimental Hematology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) & HI-STEM, receive the GSCN 2023 Publication of the Year Award for the publication “Inflammatory exposure drives long-lived impairment of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal activity and accelerated aging” in the journal Cell Stem Cell, Aug. 2022.

Find the GSCN press release   
Finden Sie die Pressemitteilung auf Deutsch  
Find more information here

GSCN Conference 2023 in Ulm

The 11th GSCN Conference featured excellent keynote speaker:

M. Goodell     Jan Lohmann     H. Nakauchi        Maike Sander     Fiona Watt
(Houston)      (Heidelberg)       (Stanford)            (Berlin)                (Heidelberg)

It was a an excellent conference with a dense program with national and international highlights, broad poster sessions, many presentations from all fields of stem cell research, two social get-togethers and an exciting  industry exhibition in Ulm.
All information  here

Information for patients

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) has published an updated 
Guide to Stem Cell Treatment
It is central to the society’s mission to share scientifically accurate information to inform patients and families about the current state of stem cell research and potential treatments. The ISSCR aims to further patient safety and public health through our efforts to promote legitimate stem cell research and credible stem cell treatments.

New: GSCN Annual Magazine 2022/23

Stem Cell Research and Diseases IV

- Regenerative therapies for skin and cornea
- Degenerative muscle diseases
- Hair loss and regeneration
- Rare diseases
- Improving the transparency, reproducibility and ethical conduct of research
- and more articles ...

Read it online here (with download link).
Read the German version  here (with download link).

GSCN & BIH initiate "Dialog Platform Stem Cell Research"

Starting in 2021, the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) and the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) have entered into a close cooperation with the foundation of the "Dialog Platform Stem Cell Research".
Find the press release with more information here.

Organoids - from stem cells to future technologies


Through this White Paper, the GSCN and the Interdisciplinary  Research Group (IAG) Gene Technology Report of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) hope to raise public awareness of this research field and stimulate an interdisciplinary public debate on organoids.
Read more

Stem Cells for Life - GSCN Exhibition

The GSCN has developed an exhibition for institutes, universities and teachers - 10 posters on topics of current stem cell research like diabetes, organoids, skin, ethics and many more. Each poster is accompanied by a website with videos, factsheets and an interactive quiz to deepen the information.
Link to the website in German: Stammzellen - Zellen fürs Leben
Link to the website in English: Stem Cells for Life
Contact: gscn.office@mdc-berlin.de

Active Bioscience
Berlin-Brandenburger Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT)
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD)
BioLamina AB
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Fraunhofer IBMT
BlueRock Tx
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT)
Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (ITMP)
Eppendorf AG
HI-STEM - Heidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and experimental Medicine
Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU)
Miltenyi Biotec
Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology
OLS - OMNI Life Science
ISAR Bioscience
PELOBiotech GmbH
Leibniz Institute on Aging/Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
PeproTech GmbH
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
Proteintech Group
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin-Buch (MDC)
Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research
Stemcell Technologies
Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics
Stem Genomics
Rebirth Cluster of Excellence
Takara Bio SAS
Tron gGmbH
Thermo Fisher Scientific - LSG
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie
9th GSCN Conference
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GSCN on Facebook
GSCN Humhub
GSCN on Twitter

Save the date: 

UniStem Day is on 14 March 2025
More information here

From the Press

Vitamin A may play a central role in stem cell biology and wound repair
Source: phys.org, 07.03.2024

„Neustart“ für den Energiestoffwechsel – Hoffnung für Menschen mit seltenen Erkrankungen (GSCN) (DE)
Source: gesundheitsforschung-bmbf.de, 27.02.2024,
"New start" for energy metabolism - hope for people with rare diseases (PDF)
Source: Download  here

Erstes Nashornbaby aus dem Labor überlebt 62 Tage im Mutterleib (GSCN) (DE)
Source: Zeit.de, 24.01.2024
Scientific breakthrough may save northern white rhino through surrogacy (GSCN)
Source: WashingtonPost.com, 24.01.2024

The Key to Creating Blood Stem Cells May Lie in Your Own Blood
Source: ScienceAlert, 08.01.2024

Arche Noah für Stammzellen (GSCN) (DE)
Source: MPG.de, 22.12.2023

Science week highlights stem cell advances (GSCN)
Source: Pluboard.com, 7.12.2023

Pioneering Stem Cell Therapy for Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Shows Promise
Source: neurosciencenews.com, 27.11.2023

Wissenschafter plädiert: Keine Furcht vor Embryomodell-Forschung (DE)
Source: apa.at, 20.11.2023

First live birth of a chimeric monkey using embryonic stem cell lines
Source: Eurekalert.org, 13.11.2023

Stem cells breathe new life into lungs
Source: Thescientist.com, 30.10.2023

ISSCR launches website to inform patients and the public about stem cells
English & German: www.aboutstemcells.org

Public support for extending the 14-day rule on human embryo research indicated by foundational dialogue project
Source: Eurekalert.org, 26.10.2023

Newly identified stem cells can lure breast cancer to the spine
Source: sciencenews.org, 13.10.2023

Patients accept therapy using embryonic stem cells for Parkinson’s disease: a discrete choice experiment
Source: BMCmedethics.com, 12.10.2023

For patients and relatives: The ISSCR Guide to Stem Cell Treatments
Source: isscr.org, 24.07,2023

Grow-your-own stem cells may repair Parkinson’s damage
Source: newatlas.com, 24.07.2023

Bayer claims early lead in Parkinson's stem cell therapy
Source: reuters.com, 28.07.2023
Bayer macht Fortschritte mit Parkinson-Zelltherapie (DE)
Source: faz.net, 28.07.2023

Scientists debut lab models of human embryos
Source: newyorktimes.com, 24.06.2023

Stem cell model of human brain development suggests embryonic origins of Alzheimer's disease
Source: medicalxpress.com, 22.06.2023

Stammzell-Experte Hans Schöler: „Den geklonten Menschen wird es nicht geben“ (GSCN) (DE)
Source: Frankfurt-live, 22.07.02023

 News Archive

students at laboratory
students at auditorium