TALKS - Coming up

6 March 202516:15 - 17:40
 Zoom link
External Speaker: Malte Tiburcy, Medical Center University Göttingen
Title:  Translating Tissue Engineered Heart Repair 

Local Speaker: Jorge Ruiz Orera, Max Delbrück Center Berlin
Title: Evolution of translational control and the emergence of genes and open reading frames in human and non-human primate hearts​

Upcoming GSCC:
3 April 2025:

Welcome to the GSCN Stem Cell Club

The GSCN Stem Cell Club (GSCC) is THE premier monthly event for stem cell enthusiasts, bringing together researchers from Berlin and beyond. Held on the first Thursday of each month, the meeting is organized hybrid, i.e. both in-person (onsite) and digital (online) formats, hosted in Berlin. It’s an opportunity to discuss cutting-edge science, connect with peers, and foster collaboration.

Each meeting features a talk by an external speaker and by a Berlin-based researcher (30 minute each). Organization rotates among member labs, ensuring diverse contributions and perspectives.

The GSCC is proudly supported by the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN).

Starting in January 2025, the Berlin Stem Cell Club will be renamed the GSCN Stem Cell Club (GSCC) to highlight its national focus. We will continue hosting the event at TU Berlin, maintaining the tradition of featuring one speaker from out of town and one from the local area.


13 February 2025 (↓ Flyer
External Speaker: Michael Rieger, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt a. M.
Title:  Blood Stem Cells at single cell resolution: differentiation trajectories and clonal architecture in health and disease Local Speaker: Carla Frau, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) & Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
Title: Mechanisms controlling liver regeneration during MASH progression​

9 January 2025 (Flyer )
External Speaker: Henner Farin, Georg Speyer Haus, Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy, Frankfurt a. M.
Title:  3D phenotypic screening to study the colorectal cancer microenvironment​
Local Speaker: Christian Regenbrecht, ASC Oncology, Berlin
Title: Functional Precision Medicine: Is this the real life? Is this just a fantasy?​

5 December 2024 (Flyer)
External Speaker:  Matthias Hebrok, Helmholtz Munich, Diabetes and Organoid Technology (IDOT)
Title: Optimizing stem cell derived beta cells function and protection
Berlin Speaker:  Anna Löwa, Charité, 3R - Replace, Reduce, Refine
Title:  ASC-derived lung organoids as infectious disease models​​

7 November 2024 (Flyer)
External Speaker:  Carsten Marr, Institute of AI for Health, Helmholtz Center Munich
Title: Single cell multiome sequencing uncovers differences the species-specific speed of development​
Berlin Speaker:  Jan Philipp Juncker, MDC/BIMSB, Berlin
Title: Cell fate decisions in regeneration and cancer​

10 October 2024 (Flyer)
External Speaker:  Lukas Cyganek, Stem Cell Unit, University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG)
Title: Preclinical testing of pharmacological and CRISPR-based therapies for inherited cardiomyopathies
Berlin Speaker:  Anja Hellwig, TissUse GmbH, Berlin
Title: Towards a personalized drug development using autologous iPSC-derived Multi-Organ-Chips ​

5 September 2024 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Björn von Eyss, Leibniz Institute on Aging/FLI, Jena
Title:  Targeting the hippo pathway in aging & cancer​
Berlin Speaker:  Melissa Birol, Max Delbrück Center, Berlin
Title:  Disrupted brain cellular communication by disorder​ ​

18 July 2024 ( Flyer)
BSCC Extra @ BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT), Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Speaker:  Jun Wu, UT Southwestern, Dalls, Texas, US
Title: Engineering human embryo-like structures with stem cells

6 June 2024 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Ivano Legnini, Human Technopol, Milan, Italy
Title: Spatio-temporal, optogenetic control of gene expression in stem cells and organoids​
Berlin Speaker:  Jakob Metzger, Max Delbrück Center (MDC) | Berlin Institute of Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB), Berlin
Title: Building reproducible models of brain development​ ​

2 May 2024 ( Flyer )
External Speaker:  Mike O. Karl, CRTD TU Dresden
Title: Modeling retina pathology and cell restoration therapy with human retina organoids​
Berlin Speaker:  Robert Opitz, Charité Berlin University Medicine
Title: Modeling thyroid hormone action during early cortex development by single cell RNA-sequencing of human cerebral organoid​

4 April 2024 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Marius Ader, CRTD TU Dresden
Title: Cell replacement in the retina - optimising photoreceptor and RPE transplantation
Berlin Speaker:  Maike Sander, Max Delbrück Centrum (MDC), Berlin
Title: Understanding and treating diabetes with islet stem cell models 

7 March 2024 ( Flyer 
External Speaker:  Jesse Veenvliet, MPI for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden
Title: Connecting scales and spaces in stembryos
Berlin Speaker:  Helene Kretzmer, MPI for Molecular Genetics,  Berlin
Title: Live brain tumor class prediction from sparse epigenomic data

1 Feb. 2024 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Jens Puschof, DKFZ Heidelberg
Title: Epithelium microenvironment interaction
Berlin Speaker:  Sarah Hedtrich, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) / Max Delbrück Center (MDC),  Berlin
Title: Emulating inflammatory and genetic diseases of human epithelia

11 Jan. 2024 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Kyung-Min Noh, EMBL Heidelberg
Title: Safeguarding the molecular paths to neurodevelopment: Insights from studying chromatin regulators in stem cell models
Berlin Speaker:  Daria BuninaMax Delbrück Center (MDC),  Berlin
Title: From multi-omics to mechanisms of chromatin regulation in cell differentiation and diseases

7 Dec. 2023 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Meritxell HuchMax Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Dresden
Title: Improving tissue-derived organoids to recapitulate mesoscale architecture and model disease
Berlin Speaker:  Alexander MeissnerMax Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPI-MG),  Berlin
Title: Mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in development and disease

9 Nov. 2023 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Georg Busslinger, CEMM (Research Center for Molecular Medicine), Vienna, Austria
Title: Cell type differentiation along the upper gastrointestinal tract
Berlin Speaker:  Johanna Bolander, BIH, Berlin
Title: The local microenvironment determines progenitor cell contribution in tissue healing and regeneration

5 Oct. 2023  ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Kevin Chalut, ALTOS, Cambridge, UK
Title: Cell and nuclear surface mechanics and cell state transitions
Berlin Speaker:  Georg Duda, BIH, Berlin
Title: Steering cellular self-assembly in regeneration using bone healing as a model system

7 Sept. 2023 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Gray Camp, Uni Basel, Roche Institute for Translational Bioengineering, CH
Title: Exploring human development with organoid single cell technologies
Berlin Speaker:  Silke Frahm, Max Delbrück Center, Berlin
Title: Endogenous and synthetic glucocorticoids reduce alpha-synuclein pathology in transgenic mice and in Parkinson’s disease derived brain organoids

1 June 2023 ( Flyer )
External Speaker:  Kai Kretschmar, University Würzburg
Title: Oral epithelial stem cells in health and disease
Berlin Speaker:  Sigmar Stricker, FU Berlin
Title: Mesenchymal stromal cells in development and regeneration of skeletal muscle

4 May 2023 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Miki Ebisuya, TU Dresden & EMBL Barcelona
Title: The stem cell zoo to study mechanisms for species-specific developmental tempo​
Berlin Speaker:  Thomas HildebrandtLeibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin
Title: Advanced conservation strategies for critically endangered species including stem cell techniques​

13 April 2023 ( Flyer)
External Speaker:  Thomas Braun, MPI for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim
Title: Ligand-induced metabolic activity and mechanosensing secure quiescence of muscle stem cells and prevent senescence
Berlin Speaker:  Simone SpulerMax Delbrück Center & Charité, Berlin
Title: Precise gene correction in muscular dystrophy - implications for therapies​

2 March 2023 (↓ Flyer) 
External Speaker:  Michael Ziller, University Münster
Title: Dissecting the polygenic basis of mental illness through functional genomics of personalized disease model
Berlin Speaker:  Milad Rezvani, Charité - Berlin University of Medicine
Title: Modeling a hematopoietic niche in fetal liver organoids from human pluripotent stem cells

9 Feb. 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker:  Maria Patapia Zafeiriou, University Göttingen
Title: Generation a human innervated and vascularized cardiac muscle model
Berlin Speaker:  Mina Gouti, Max Delbrück Center
Title: Neuromuscular organoids to model human disease

12 Jan. 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker:  Jamie Hackett, Epigenetic mechanisms and intergenerational inheritance, EMBL Monterotondo, Italy
Title: The Function and Memory of Chromatin
Berlin Speaker:  Edda Schulz, MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
Title: Sensing X-dosage and developmental time at the onset of X-chromosome inactivation

1 Dec. 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: Ayal Hendel, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Title: Modeling and correction of SCID by CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
Berlin Speaker: Van Trung Chu, Max Delbrück Center, Berlin
Title: Precise gene repair in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells for gene therapy

3 Nov. 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker:  Kim Jensen, DanStem Copenhagen, Denmark
Title: Intestinal epithelial stem cells in health and disease
Berlin Speaker:  Michael Sigal, Charité & BIMSB/Max Delbrück Center, Berlin
Title: Gastric epithelial stem cells in health and disease

6 Oct. 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker:  Micha Drukker, Leiden University, NL
Title:  Derivation of GMP grade iPS and progenitor cells
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Ludovic Vallier, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité & MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
Title: Stem cells and organoids to study liver biology and diseases

1 Sept. 2022(↓ Flyer):
External Speaker:  ➚ Anne Grapin-Botton (MPI-CBG Dresden)
Title: Modeling mammalian pancreas development with organoids 
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Christian Conrad (BIH Charité, MDC)
Title: Translational organoid screening and sequencing

7 July 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: ➚ Nicolas Rivron (IMBA, Vienna)
Title: Blastoids: shaping the mammalian embryo for implantation
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Sina Bartfeld (TU Berlin)
Title: Infection, innate immune signaling and cancer in the gut - organoids as disease model

2 June 2022 ( Flyer):
External Speaker:  Robert Zweigerdt, MHH Hannover
Title: Making and repairing human hearts
Local Speaker:  Agniezska Rybak-Wolf, MDC/BIMSB, Berlin
Title: Therapeutic strategies for Herpes simplex virus driven encephalitis

5 May 2022 ( Flyer): 
External Speaker:  Alejo E. Rodriguez-Fraticelli, IRB Barcelona, Spain
Title: Clonal drivers of stem cell variation
Local Speaker:  Leif S. Ludwig, MDC/BIMSB, Berlin
Title: Lineage tracing in human hematopoiesis using single cell genomics

7 April 2022 ( Flyer): 
External Speaker:  Vincent Pasque, University Leuven, Belgium
Title: Single-cell and integrated multi-omics of human development and stem cells
Local Speaker:  Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu, MPl for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
Title: Modulating developmental timing by putting embryos to sleep

Hybrid Information

Zoom Link to the GSCC Lecture 

Please join the GSCC Lecture on 6 March 2025 from 16:15 - 17:40 h via Zoom, if you can't join in person! The virtual talk is a webinar, please write your questions in the Q&A chat.

The Zoom link is open to everybody, everywhere!

CHARITÉ - Punkte für Teilnahme für Promovierende

Vortrag - GSCC 2 UE - 0.2 CP

Es sind 0,2 CP (Credit Points oder ECTS) für ein GSCC-Meeting angegeben. Die Charité schreibt nach neuer Promotionsordnung vor, dass promotionsbegleitend insgesamt 5 ECTS Punkte erworben werden müssen.

Wahlbereich I (PO-2017/11),
Forschungsmethodik (PO-2017/11),
Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Wissenschaftskommunikation (PO-2017/11),
Personal Skills und interdisziplinäre Kurse (PO-2017/11)

Venue & Contact GSCC

Every first Thursday in the month, 16:15h - 17:30h
Social gathering with drinks and snacks - 19h
admission free

Medizinische Biotechnologie, TU Berlin
TIB 13 B-B, 1st floor
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
13355 Berlin



Public Transportation:
S-Bhf. Humboldthain (S1, S2, S25) - enter area from Gustav-Meyer-Allee (6 min walk)
S/U-Bahn to S/U-Gesundbrunnen, nice walk through Humboldthain (10 min)
U-Bahn to U-Voltastrasse, enter area from Voltastrasse (8 min)

+49 30-450 543 638

GSCC Steering Comitee 

Sina Bartfeld, TU Berlin
Daniel Besser, GSCN / BIH
Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu, MPI Molecular Genetics
Sebastian Diecke, MDC
Agnieszka Rybab-Wolf, BIMSB/MDC
Harald Stachelscheid, BIH Charité
Ludovic Vallier, BIH Charité, BCRT

GSCC Participating Institutes


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