13 February 2025 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: Michael Rieger, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt a. M.
Title: Blood Stem Cells at single cell resolution: differentiation trajectories and clonal architecture in health and disease Local Speaker: Carla Frau, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) & Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
Title: Mechanisms controlling liver regeneration during MASH progression
9 January 2025 (↓ Flyer )
External Speaker: Henner Farin, Georg Speyer Haus, Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy, Frankfurt a. M.
Title: 3D phenotypic screening to study the colorectal cancer microenvironment
Local Speaker: Christian Regenbrecht, ASC Oncology, Berlin
Title: Functional Precision Medicine: Is this the real life? Is this just a fantasy?
5 December 2024 (↓Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Matthias Hebrok, Helmholtz Munich, Diabetes and Organoid Technology (IDOT)
Title: Optimizing stem cell derived beta cells function and protection
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Anna Löwa, Charité, 3R - Replace, Reduce, Refine
Title: ASC-derived lung organoids as infectious disease models
7 November 2024 (↓Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Carsten Marr, Institute of AI for Health, Helmholtz Center Munich
Title: Single cell multiome sequencing uncovers differences the species-specific speed of development
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Jan Philipp Juncker, MDC/BIMSB, Berlin
Title: Cell fate decisions in regeneration and cancer
10 October 2024 (↓Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Lukas Cyganek, Stem Cell Unit, University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG)
Title: Preclinical testing of pharmacological and CRISPR-based therapies for inherited cardiomyopathies
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Anja Hellwig, TissUse GmbH, Berlin
Title: Towards a personalized drug development using autologous iPSC-derived Multi-Organ-Chips
5 September 2024 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Björn von Eyss, Leibniz Institute on Aging/FLI, Jena
Title: Targeting the hippo pathway in aging & cancer
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Melissa Birol, Max Delbrück Center, Berlin
Title: ➚ Disrupted brain cellular communication by disorder
18 July 2024 (↓ Flyer)
BSCC Extra @ BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT), Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Speaker: ➚ Jun Wu, UT Southwestern, Dalls, Texas, US
Title: Engineering human embryo-like structures with stem cells
6 June 2024 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Ivano Legnini, Human Technopol, Milan, Italy
Title: Spatio-temporal, optogenetic control of gene expression in stem cells and organoids
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Jakob Metzger, Max Delbrück Center (MDC) | Berlin Institute of Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB), Berlin
Title: Building reproducible models of brain development
2 May 2024 (↓ Flyer )
External Speaker: ➚ Mike O. Karl, CRTD TU Dresden
Title: Modeling retina pathology and cell restoration therapy with human retina organoids
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Robert Opitz, Charité Berlin University Medicine
Title: Modeling thyroid hormone action during early cortex development by single cell RNA-sequencing of human cerebral organoid
4 April 2024 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Marius Ader, CRTD TU Dresden
Title: Cell replacement in the retina - optimising photoreceptor and RPE transplantation
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Maike Sander, Max Delbrück Centrum (MDC), Berlin
Title: Understanding and treating diabetes with islet stem cell models
7 March 2024 (↓ Flyer )
External Speaker: ➚ Jesse Veenvliet, MPI for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden
Title: Connecting scales and spaces in stembryos
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Helene Kretzmer, MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
Title: Live brain tumor class prediction from sparse epigenomic data
1 Feb. 2024 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Jens Puschof, DKFZ Heidelberg
Title: Epithelium microenvironment interaction
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Sarah Hedtrich, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) / Max Delbrück Center (MDC), Berlin
Title: Emulating inflammatory and genetic diseases of human epithelia
11 Jan. 2024 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Kyung-Min Noh, EMBL Heidelberg
Title: Safeguarding the molecular paths to neurodevelopment: Insights from studying chromatin regulators in stem cell models
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Daria Bunina, Max Delbrück Center (MDC), Berlin
Title: From multi-omics to mechanisms of chromatin regulation in cell differentiation and diseases
7 Dec. 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Meritxell Huch, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Dresden
Title: Improving tissue-derived organoids to recapitulate mesoscale architecture and model disease
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Alexander Meissner, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPI-MG), Berlin
Title: Mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in development and disease
9 Nov. 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Georg Busslinger, CEMM (Research Center for Molecular Medicine), Vienna, Austria
Title: Cell type differentiation along the upper gastrointestinal tract
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Johanna Bolander, BIH, Berlin
Title: The local microenvironment determines progenitor cell contribution in tissue healing and regeneration
5 Oct. 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Kevin Chalut, ALTOS, Cambridge, UK
Title: Cell and nuclear surface mechanics and cell state transitions
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Georg Duda, BIH, Berlin
Title: Steering cellular self-assembly in regeneration using bone healing as a model system
7 Sept. 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Gray Camp, Uni Basel, Roche Institute for Translational Bioengineering, CH
Title: Exploring human development with organoid single cell technologies
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Silke Frahm, Max Delbrück Center, Berlin
Title: Endogenous and synthetic glucocorticoids reduce alpha-synuclein pathology in transgenic mice and in Parkinson’s disease derived brain organoids
1 June 2023 (↓ Flyer )
External Speaker: ➚ Kai Kretschmar, University Würzburg
Title: Oral epithelial stem cells in health and disease
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Sigmar Stricker, FU Berlin
Title: Mesenchymal stromal cells in development and regeneration of skeletal muscle
4 May 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Miki Ebisuya, TU Dresden & EMBL Barcelona
Title: The stem cell zoo to study mechanisms for species-specific developmental tempo
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Thomas Hildebrandt, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin
Title: Advanced conservation strategies for critically endangered species including stem cell techniques
13 April 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Thomas Braun, MPI for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim
Title: Ligand-induced metabolic activity and mechanosensing secure quiescence of muscle stem cells and prevent senescence
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Simone Spuler, Max Delbrück Center & Charité, Berlin
Title: Precise gene correction in muscular dystrophy - implications for therapies
2 March 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Michael Ziller, University Münster
Title: Dissecting the polygenic basis of mental illness through functional genomics of personalized disease model
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Milad Rezvani, Charité - Berlin University of Medicine
Title: Modeling a hematopoietic niche in fetal liver organoids from human pluripotent stem cells
9 Feb. 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Maria Patapia Zafeiriou, University Göttingen
Title: Generation a human innervated and vascularized cardiac muscle model
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Mina Gouti, Max Delbrück Center
Title: Neuromuscular organoids to model human disease
12 Jan. 2023 (↓ Flyer)
External Speaker: ➚ Jamie Hackett, Epigenetic mechanisms and intergenerational inheritance, EMBL Monterotondo, Italy
Title: The Function and Memory of Chromatin
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Edda Schulz, MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
Title: Sensing X-dosage and developmental time at the onset of X-chromosome inactivation
1 Dec. 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: ➚ Ayal Hendel, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Title: Modeling and correction of SCID by CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
Berlin Speaker: ➚Van Trung Chu, Max Delbrück Center, Berlin
Title: Precise gene repair in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells for gene therapy
3 Nov. 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: ➚ Kim Jensen, DanStem Copenhagen, Denmark
Title: Intestinal epithelial stem cells in health and disease
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Michael Sigal, Charité & BIMSB/Max Delbrück Center, Berlin
Title: Gastric epithelial stem cells in health and disease
6 Oct. 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: ➚ Micha Drukker, Leiden University, NL
Title: Derivation of GMP grade iPS and progenitor cells
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Ludovic Vallier, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité & MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
Title: Stem cells and organoids to study liver biology and diseases
1 Sept. 2022(↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: ➚ Anne Grapin-Botton (MPI-CBG Dresden)
Title: Modeling mammalian pancreas development with organoids
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Christian Conrad (BIH Charité, MDC)
Title: Translational organoid screening and sequencing
7 July 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: ➚ Nicolas Rivron (IMBA, Vienna)
Title: Blastoids: shaping the mammalian embryo for implantation
Berlin Speaker: ➚ Sina Bartfeld (TU Berlin)
Title: Infection, innate immune signaling and cancer in the gut - organoids as disease model
2 June 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: ➚ Robert Zweigerdt, MHH Hannover
Title: Making and repairing human hearts
Local Speaker: ➚ Agniezska Rybak-Wolf, MDC/BIMSB, Berlin
Title: Therapeutic strategies for Herpes simplex virus driven encephalitis
5 May 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: ➚ Alejo E. Rodriguez-Fraticelli, IRB Barcelona, Spain
Title: Clonal drivers of stem cell variation
Local Speaker: ➚ Leif S. Ludwig, MDC/BIMSB, Berlin
Title: Lineage tracing in human hematopoiesis using single cell genomics
7 April 2022 (↓ Flyer):
External Speaker: ➚ Vincent Pasque, University Leuven, Belgium
Title: Single-cell and integrated multi-omics of human development and stem cells
Local Speaker: ➚ Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu, MPl for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
Title: Modulating developmental timing by putting embryos to sleep