Research institutes

Benefits of membership

  • Status as official host and partner of the annual GSCN conference when the conference is organized at the place of the member institute 
  • Status as a partner of the GSCN during the organization of meetings and workshops of the scientific and strategic working groups 
  • Status as a partner of the GSCN during the organization of public events (these events should be announced nationwide in the media) 
  • Publication of an editorial article from your institute in the GSCN annual report (¼ page). 
  • Free conference pass at the annual conference for all days (including networking event) for one representative of your institute (not transferable during the conference). 
  • Participation in the GSCN member assembly at the annual conference with one vote. 
  • Placement of your institute’s logo in publications and on the GSCN Website with hyperlink. 
  • Possibility to shape the research environment on stem cell research socially, politically and strategically (for example on translational topics) through the participation in working groups. 
  • Free admission to the members area and to the contact details of the members, who confirm to disclosure. 
  • Free publication of job and internship offers on the GSCN Website.

Annual fee

Research institute           900 €

Download membership application form for legal persons
Download additional agreement for institutes

As a non-profit association (gemeinnütziger, eingetragener Verein; e.V.) the GSCN can issue receipts for donations to its members on a pro rata membership fee of 120 €/year for submission to the tax authorities in Germany.

Note: Members accept the articles of association and rules of the GSCN.

GSCN Benefits (DE)

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