Travel awards of the scientific GSCN working groups

GSCN members and scientists in Germany can apply for travel awards to national and international stem cell conferences, workshops and events.
The travel award for European conferences is max. 500 €.
The travel award for international conferences is max. 1000 €.
To apply please send the submitted abstract to the event and a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page) to the GSCN Office ( The letter should contain 1) the importance of the event for the applicant, 2) how the applicant profits from the event and 3) why financial support is important.

Applications will be considered four time a year with these deadlines:
- 28 February for events from 1 April to 30 June,
- 31 May for events from 1 July to 30 September,
- 31 August for events from 1 October to 31 December and
- 30 November for events from 1 Januar to 31 March of the following year.

Past GSCN Travel Awards

The GSCN thanks all the winners of GSCN Travel Awards for their comprehensive reports on their experience on the respective conferences and description of scientific highlights. Please find the links to these reports below.

66th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH), San Diego, CA
| 7 - 10 December 2024
Ian Ghezzi (HI-STEM, DKFZ Heidelberg) ( report)
Marius Külp (University Hospital Frankfurt) ( report)

European Summer School on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine 20234
| 13 - 20 September 2024, Spetses, Greece
Nicole Katarina Rogers (Helmholtz Center Munich,  report)

ISSCR 2024, Hamburg
| 10 - 13 July 2024
Giada Bacchin (D-HEST, ETH Zürich) ( report)
Alec Geßner (Uni Frankfurt) ( report)
Markus Glaser (Uni Würzburg) ( report)
Anna Hansknecht (RWTH Aachen) ( report)

Centre for Trophoblast Research Annual Meeting 2024
‘Emerging models of human and non-human primate placental development’​

| 01 - 02 July 2024, Cambridge, UK
Ornella Elezaj (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biology and Genetics, Dresden,  report)

EMBO Workshop "Developmental Circuits in Aging"
| 08 - 12 April 2024, Nice, France
Anna Pitas (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin,  report)

65th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH)
| 09 - 12 December 2023, San Diego, USA
Tessa Schmachtel (Goethe Unversity, Frankfurt,  report)

33rd Annual Meeting of the Network for European CNS Transplantation and Restoration (NECTAR)
| 23 - 25 October 2023, Neaples, Italy
Leonie Heger (LMU Munich,  report)

European Summer School on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine 2023​
| 12 - 19 September 2023, Spetses, Greece
Tobias Greisle  (Helmholtz Center Munich,  report)

EMBO workshop: Gene regulation in neural fate decision
| 07 - 10 September 2023, Alicante, Spain
Katherina Tavernini  (IMBA, Vienna, Austria,  report)

ISEH 2023 New York City
| 17 - 20 August 2023
Germán Camargo Ortega (ETH Zürich, BSSE Basel,  report)
Nina Henning (Leibniz Institute on Aging / FLI, Jena,  report)
Marius Külp  (Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt,  report)

XVI European Meeting GLIA 2023, Berlin
| 08 - 11 July 2023
Catarina Fernandes (University Mainz)  ( report)

ISSCR 2023, Boston
| 14 - 17 June 2023
Lika Drakhlis (MH Hannover)  ( report)
Fawaz Saleh (MH Hannover)  ( report)
Johanna Siehler (Helmholtz Center Munich)  ( report)
Marcel Tisch  (University Innsbruck)  ( report)

Gordon Research Seminar & Conference: Myogenesis, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco, Italy
| 10 - 16 June 2023
Xhem Qabrati (ETH Zürich)  ( report)

Gordon Research Conference: Pancreatic Diseases, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco, Italy
| 30 April - 5 May 2023
Andrea Ruiz Sarvari (DKFZ Heidelberg) ( ( report)

TERMIS-AP 2022, ICC Jeju, South Korea
| 5 - 8 October 2022
Inseon Kim (ETH Zürich) ( report)

Mechanisms of Aging Conference 2022 CSHL, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA
| 27 September - 01 October 2022
Damian Carvajal (DKFZ Heidelberg) ( report)

ISEH 2022 Edinburgh
| 01 - 04 September 2022
Nouraiz Ahmed  (ETH Zürich, Basel)  report)
Alec Gessner (Goethe University Frankfurt)  ( report)

ISSCR 2022 San Francisco
| 14 - 17 June 2022
Kevin Ullmann (MH Hannover) ( report)

European Hematology Association (EHA) 2022 Hybrid Congress
| 9 - 12 June 2022
Yasmin Demerdash ( report)

American Society of Cell and Gene Therapy Annual Meeting 2022, Washington, DC
| 16 - 19 May 2022
Ariane Nguyen  ( report)

SY-Stem 2022 Conference in Vienna
| 23 - 25 March 2022
Filippo Zoppi  ( report)

9th GSCN Conference in Dresden
|06 - 08 Oct. 2021
Jennifer Steens, Essen ( report)

Starting Single Cell RNA-Seq Analysis Course, Cambridge, England, online
|01 - 05 June 2020
Maike Kosanke, Hannover

ISCT 2020 virtual meeting |28 - 29 May 2020
Verena Börger, Essen

ISSCR Boston, virtual meeting | 23 -27 June 2020
Seraina Domenig, Zurich

ISSCR, virtual meeting, Boston |23 - 27 June 2020
Praeploy Pongpamorn, Hannover

3rd International Conference on Stem Cells, Chania, Crete, Greece | 3 - 8 October 2019
Fabio Marsoner, Mannheim ( report)

CSH Meeting on Stem Cell Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, USA | 17 - 21 September 2019
Silvia Ruzittu, Berlin ( report)

ISEH 2019 Meeting, Brisbane, Australia | 22 - 25 August 2019
Nouraiz Ahmed, Basel ( report)
Lena Dorsheimer, Frankfurt ( report)
Susann Rahmig, Jena ( report)

Summer By Design Workshop, Toronto, Canada | 06 - 21 July 2019
Santoshi Biswanath, Hannover ( report)

ISSCR 2019 Meeting, Los Angeles, USA | 26 - 29 June 2019
Noelle J.A. Ali, Ulm ( report)
Julia Franzen, Aachen ( report)

4th Eurogenesis Meeting, Bordeaux, France | 11 - 13 June 2019
Alexandra Pötzsch, Dresden ( report)

Annual Meeting for the International Society of Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV), Kyoto, Japan | 25 - 28 April 2019
Giuliana Minani Bertolino, Dresden/London ( report)

EMBO Workshop on Molecular Neuroscience, Bangalore, India | 4 - 7 February 2019
Georgios Kalamakis, Heidelberg ( report)

Keystone Symposia: Single cell biology, Breckenridge, USA | 13 - 17 January 2019
Wenqiang Fan, Mainz ( report)

11th Berlin Late Summer Meeting, BISMB, Berlin, Germany | 25 - 27 October 2018
Simon Hastreiter, Basel ( report)

Europhysiology 2018, London, UK | 14 - 16 September 2018
Alec Förster, Aachen ( report)
Sara Gutierrez, Aachen ( report)

ISEH 2018 Meeting, Los Angeles, USA | 23 - 26 August 2018
Konstantinos Kokkaliaris, Basel ( report)
Dirk Löffler, Basel ( report)

ISSCR 2018 Meeting, Melbourne, Australia | 20 - 23 June 2018
All report can be found in this  collection of reports.
Lena Dorsheimer, Frankfurt
Roman Goetzke, Aachen
Nancy Mah, Berlin

51st Miami Winter Symposium: Stem Cells – Today’s Research Tomorrow’s Therapies, Miami, USA | 28 - 31 January 2018
Annemarie Baaße, Rostock ( report)

ISEH 2017 Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany | 24 - 27 August 2017

All report can be found in this  collection of reports.
Konstantinos D. Kokkaliaris, Basel
Dirk Löffler, Basel
Weijia Wang, Basel

ISSCR 2017 Meeting, Boston, USA | 22 - 25 June 2016

All report can be found in this  collection of reports.
Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid, Freiburg
Katharina Günther, Würzburg
Deniz Kanber, Essen

20th meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT), Washington, USA | 10 - 31 May 2017
Miriam Hetzel, Hannover ( report)

Keystone Symposium "Neurogenesis during Development", Squaw Creek, USA | 8 - 12 January 2017
German Camargo Ortega, Munich ( report)

2nd Challenges in Computational Biology Conference, Mainz | 12 - 16 November 2016

Nancy Mah, Berlin (report)

Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, San Diego, USA | 12 - 16 November 2016
Marisa Karow, Munich (report)

ESGCT/ISSCR Collaborative Congress Florence, Italy | 18 - 21 October 2016
Miriam Hetzel, Hannover ( report)
Alexandra Kuhn, Hannover ( report)

Hydra XII Summer School, Hydra, Greece | 8 - 12 August 2016
Neha Goveas, Dresden ( report)

Gordon Research Conference "Tissue Niches & Resident Stem Cells in Adult Epithelia" Hong Kong, China | 8 - 12 August 2016
Jerome Korzelius, Jena ( report)

ISSCR 2016 Meeting, San Francisco, USA | 22 - 25 June 2016

All report can be found in this  collection of reports.
Avni Basner, Heidelberg
Cristina Golfieri, Dresden
Stefan Hauser, Tübingen
Chao Sheng, Bonn
Manuela Völker, Dresden
Stefan Weiß, Munich

ISSCR 2015 Meeting, Stockholm, Schweden | 24 - 27 June 2015

 Collection of reports

Winner of travel awards were:

Working group: "Pluripotency and re-programing"
- Andreas Elanzew, Bonn
- Henning Kempf, Hannover
- Kee-Pyo Kim, Münster

WG: "Somatic stem cells and development"
- Dorota Kaniowska, Leipzig

- Peggy Matz, Düsseldorf
- Anton Selich, Hannover

WG: "Basic, translational and applied hematopoiesis"
- Mania Ackermann, Hannover
- Andre Görgens, Essen
- Daniel Klimmeck, Heidelberg
- Maria Stecklum, Berlin

WG: "Stem cells in disease (Cancer stem cells)" 
- Juliane Strietz, Freiburg
- Stella Stepputtis, Freiburg

WG: "Stem cells in regenerative therapies"
- Antje Appelt-Menzel, Würzburg
- Martin Johannes Pfeiffer, Münster
- Laura Stappert, Bonn
- Manuela Völker, Dresden

WG: "Stem cells in disease modeling and drug development"
- Raul Bukowiecki, Berlin
- Dulce de Lima Cunha, Cologne/Innsbruck (AT)
- Adele Mucci, Hannover
- Lydia Wagner, Dresden

WG: " Computational stem cell biology"
- Thomas Zerjatke, Dresden

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