Stem Cell News Archive 2013

Stem cell research - Horror or hope?
(in German)

Source:  YouTube, 05.12.2013

New Report on Stem Cell Research Reveals the Field is Growing Twice as Fast as the World Average
Source:  prnewswise.com04.12.2013

Ernst Schering Preis 2014 an Stammzellenforscherin Magdalena Götz
Source:  scheringstiftung.de03.12.2013

Keine Förderung des CARE Institutes in Münster
Source:, Heft 12/2013

Japanese stem cell scientist Masayo Takahashi warns on profits
Scource:, 02.12.2013

Generation of lung epithelial cells from human pluripotent stem cells
Scource:, 01.12.2013

New Japanese Regenerative Medicine Legislation and Commercial Opportunities for Stem Cell Products
Source:, 25.11.2013

EU fördert auch künftig embryonale Stammzellforschung: Einspruch vergebens
Source:, 21.11.2013

Yamanaka team finds genes to identify defective iPS cells
Source:, 19.11.2013

'Mini-Kidney' Structures Generated from Human Stem Cells for First Time
Scources:, 17.11.2013,

"Es könnte möglich sein, Krebszellen zu korrigieren"
Source:, 12.11.2013

Feature on international stem cell networks in Cell Stem Cell
Source: (Cell Stem Cell), 06.12.2013

New report calls for sustained public endorsement and funding for human stem cell research
Sources:, 06.11.2013,  PDF

Junior Scientist Groups Selected in NRW!

New insights into treating Parkinson’s from yeast, stem cell experiments
From: Carolyn Y. Johnson, Sources:, 25.10.2013,

Schöler konzentriert sich auf Forschung „Keine Chance mehr für Care“
From: Karin Völker, Scource:, 25.10.2013

Gezüchtete Gewebe können mehr als Leben retten
From: Pia Heinemann, Scource:, 27.10.2013

Warnung vor teuren Stammzelltherapien (in German)
From: Simona Block, Source:, 19.09.2013
Stem cells made with near-perfect efficiency
From: Monya Baker, Source:, 18.09.2013

Stem Cells in the EU: Northern and Central Markets
From: Enal Razvi, Ph.D., Source:, 18.09.2013

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