Stem Cell News Archive 2020

Radicals seem to be good for the brain
Source:, 4.12.2020

A bioengineering perspective on modelling the intestinal epithelial physiology in vitro
Source:, 07.12.2021

Stem cell research finds a unique lab — the International Space Station
Source: Washington Post, 05.12.2020

Mina Gouti becomes EMBO Young Investigator (GSCN)
Source:, 1.1.2020

Customized programming of human stem cells
Source: eurekalert, 30.11.2020

Boosting stem cell activity can enhance immunotherapy benefits
Source: ScienceDaily, 23.11.2020

California's vote to revive controversial stem-cell institute sparks debate
Source:, 16.11.2020

Repetitive elements trigger RIG-I-like receptors to enhance hematopoietic stem cell formation
Source: ScienceDaily, 16.11.2020

Groundbreaking stem cell research could restore sight to people with macular diseases
Source: medicalxpress, 10.11.2020

Patient-specific airway stem cells developed to model lung diseases
Source:, 26.10.2020 

Chemie-Nobelpreis geht an Genforscherinnen Charpentier und Doudna (DE)
Genetic scissors: a tool for rewriting the code of life

Source:,, 07.10.2020

Der „Berliner Patient“ ist gestorben (DE)
Timothy Ray Brown, First Patient Cured of H.I.V., Dies at 54

Source: FAZ, New York Times, 01.10.2020

Hans Schöler takes over presidency of the German Stem Cell Network
Source: mpi-muenster, 24.09.2020

Gewebe mit Funktionen des menschlichen Gehirns aus Stammzellen hergestellt (DE)
Source:, 28.08.2020

CASIN - Jungbrunnen für alternde Mäuse: Forschende drehen die epigenetische Uhr zurück (DE)
Inhibition of Cdc42 activity extends lifespan and decreases circulating inflammatory cytokines in aged female C57BL/6 mice
Source:, 13.08.2020; agingcell

University of Minnesota launches stem cell trial against severe COVID-19
Source:, 13.08.2020

Cell growth clue could lead to new breast cancer treatments
Source: scope, 14.08.2020

Neue Technologie gibt Einblicke in die Entwicklung von Immunzellen (DE)
Source:, 12.08.2020

Christopher Baum chosen to head the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)
Christopher Baum wird Vorstandsvorsitzender des Berliner Instituts für Gesundheitsforschung (BIH)
Source: BIH, 05.08.2020

Skin stem cells shuffle sugars as they age
Source: EurekAlert, 21.07.2020

Human sperm stem cells grown in lab, an early step toward infertility treatment
Source:, 13.07.2020

New clues from fruit flies about the critical role of sex hormones in stem cell control
Source:, 09.07.2020

Human organoids: model systems for human biology and medicine
Source:, 07.07.2020

RNA key in helping stem cells know what to become
Source: EurekAlert, 07.07.2020

Stem Cell Strategies Get Compassionate Use in COVID-19
Source:, 06.07.2020

Mini organs reveal how the coronavirus ravages the body
Source: nature, 22.06.2020

Novel vaccine platform against COVID-19 based on engineered human mesenchymal stem cells
Source: News Medical Life Sciences, 22.06.2020

Studying the Neanderthal DNA found in modern humans using stem cells and organoids
Source: Science Daily, 18.06.2020

Sprunginnovationen zum Organersatz: 2 x Herz, 1 x Bauchspeicheldrüse (DE) (GSCN)
Source: BMBF, 20.05.2020

Revealed: two men in China were first to receive pioneering stem-cell treatment for heart-disease
Source:, 13.05.2020

Gen- und Stammzelltherapie gegen Aids (DE)
Source:, 29.04.2020

UCLA stem cell scientists receive awards to pursue treatments and vaccines for COVID-19
Source:, 26.04.2020

Stem cells in the clinic: how are they regulated?
Source: EPR, 20.04.2020

2nd person cured of HIV thanks to stem cell transplant
Source: MedicalNewsToday, 12.03.2020

ISSCR Statement Regarding the Marketing of Unproven Stem Cell Treatments for COVID-19
Source: ISSCR, 10.03.2020

Deutscher Krebspreis an Andreas Trumpp:
BIH-Podcast „Aus Forschung wird Gesundheit“, Podcast 18 (GSCN) (DE)
Source: Berliner Institut für Gesundheitsforschung, 09.03.2020

'Primitive' stem cells shown to regenerate blood vessels in the eye
Source: Science Daily, 09.03.2020

New Experiment With Human Stem Cells Ends Up Rapidly Curing Diabetes in Mice
Source: sciencealert, 26.02.2020

Deutscher Krebspreis an Andreas Trumpp:
Deutscher Krebspreis für exzellente klinische, translationale und experimentelle Forschung
 (GSCN) (DE)
Source: Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft, 19.02.2020

German Translation of the 2016 ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation is available (GSCN)
Deutsche Übersetzung der Leitlinien für Stammzellforschung und klinische Translation is Online (GSCN) (DE)
Source: ISSCRPDF 18.02.2020

Inducing factor transforms pluripotent stem cells into totipotent cells
Source: DrugTargetReview, 30.01.2020

Japanischer Arzt führt erste Transplantation mit Herzmuskel iPS-Zellen durch (DE)
Source: Sumikai, 28.01.2020

The growing possibilities for stem cells in pharma
Source: DrugTargetReview, 28.01.2020

Parkinson's disease may start before birth
Source: ScienceDaily, 27.01.2020

Warum bei Stress die Haare grau werden (DE)
Source: Tagesspiegel, 23.01.2020

Bio-Mikroroboter könnten das Kniegelenk reparieren (DE)
Magnetic Microbots Deliver Stem Cells to Heal Knee Cartilage

Source: Tagesspiegel, 23.01.2020, Medgadget, 24.01.2020

Ncardia and BlueRock Therapeutics Announce Collaboration Agreement and Licensing of Process Development Technologies for the Manufacture of iPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes
Source: , 21.01.2020

ISSCR statement on ethical standards for stem cell-based embryo models
Source: EurekAlert, 16.01.2020

BIH - Interview mit Axel Pries über das Berlin INstitute of Health (BIH) (DE)
Source: Berliner Morgenpost, 12.01.2020

Prox1-positive cells monitor and sustain the murine intestinal epithelial cholinergic niche
Source: Nature, 08.01.2020

Discoveries detail role of stem cell in deadly gastric cancer
Source: EurekAlert, 07.01.2020

New multiple sclerosis treatment trial compares stem cell transplantation to best available drugs
Source: NIH, 07.01.2020

The risks behind the hype of stem-cell treatments
Source: BBC, 07.01.2020

Closer to identifying leukemic stem cells
Source: Eurekalert, 02.01.2020

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