Stem Cell News Archive 2021

UC San Diego Sends Blood Stem Cells to Space
Source: ucsdnews, 21.12.2021

Major international research center may drive the development of future stem cell-based treatments
Source:, 17.12.2021

NIH researchers identify potential AMD drugs with stem-cell based research tool
Source:, 15.12.2021

Unter die Haut der Zuckerkranken: Stammzell-Implantate produzieren Insulin (GSCN) (DE)
Source:, 03.12.2021

Stem cell-based implants successfully secrete insulin in patients with type 1 diabetes
Source:, 02.12.2021

Human blastoids model blastocyst development and implantation
Source:, 02.12.2021

A cure for Type 1 Diabetes?
Source: New York Times, 28.11.2021

How blood and leukemia cells develop (GSCN)
Source:, 23.11.2021

Stem cell microbots travel from nose to brain to treat disease
Source:, 22.11.2021

Stem cell therapy for heart failure reduced major CV events and death, not hospitalization
Source: EurekAlert, 15.11.2021

Audio: Stammzellenforschung - Schon reif für die Klinik? Interview mit D. Besser (GSCN)(DE)
Source:, 11.11.2021

Bioethicist Leigh Turner on the worrisome boom in unregulated stem cell clinics
Source:, 08.11.2021

Sara Wickström appointed new director at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
Source: MPI for Molecular Biomedicine, 02.11.2021

Gene-edited stem cells help geckos regrow more perfect tails
Source:, 01.11.2021

Die Teilung des Unteilbaren: Herzregeneration nach genetischer Umprogrammierung von Herzmuskelzellen möglich (DE) (GSCN)
Source: Max Planck Institut Herz- und Lungenforschung, 24.09.2021

Epigenetic changes in aging stem cells rejuvenated by acetate
Source:, 15.09.2021

Zell-Feng Shui: Wie die Einheit von physikalischen und biochemischen Reizen gesunde Organismen ermöglicht (DE)
Source:, 01.09.2021

What’s next for lab-grown human embryos?
Source:, 31.08.2001

Scientists Grew Stem Cell 'Mini Brains'. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes (GSCN)
Source: sciencealert, 18.08.2021

Generation of ovarian follicles from mouse pluripotent stem cells
Source: Science, 16.07.2021

Magnetically-guided delivery of therapeutic stem cells into the brain
Source:, 07.07.2021

Blood stem cells make brain tumors more aggressive
Source: EurekAlert, 28.06.2021

Catalent to Acquire RheinCell Therapeutics​
Source: Contract Pharma, 25.06.2021

Scientists Discover Two New Types of Glial Cells in Mouse Brain
Source:, 16.06.2021

Stem cell scientists make big progress in building mini-kidneys
Source:, 15.06.2021

A call for global oversight of unproven stem cell therapies
Source:, 09.06.2021

Stem-cell guidelines: why it was time for an update
Source:, 26.05.2021

The ISSCR Releases Updated Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation
Source: ISSCR, 26.05.2021

Leopoldina und Akademienunion sprechen sich für Neubewertung des Embryonenschutzes in Deutschland aus (DE)
Source:, 26.05.2021

Frühe Geschlechtsunterschiede (DE) (GSCN)
Source:, 30.04.2021

New 3D organoid model of pancreas developed from human stem cells
Source:, 29.04.2021

ERS Monograph: Lung Stem Cells in Development, Health and Disease
Source: European Respiratory Society (ERS) publications, April 2021

Bauchspeicheldrüsen-Tumore aus dem Labor: Organoide helfen, die Krebsentstehung zu verstehen (DE) (GSCN)
Source:, 28.04.2021

Elusive cancer cells dissected using developmental-biology toolkit
Source:, 20.04.2021

Stem cell transplant after CAR T-cell therapy effective for young leukemia patients
Source:, 20.04.2021

Lab-grown embryos mix human and monkey cells
Der Affenmensch in der Petrischale

Source:,, 15.04.2021

Aged bone marrow niche impedes function of rejuvenated hematopoietic stem cells (GSCN)
Source:, 13.04.2021

Cell-based method for the regeneration of myelin (GSCN)
Source:, 12.04.2021

Scientists identify new differences between the sexes in age-related changes to brain stem cells
Source:, 08.04.2021 

Warum Blutstammzellen lange nicht altern (GSCN)(DE) 
Source: ä, 25.03.2021

Meilenstein der Stammzellforschung: Modelle menschlicher Embryonen (GSCN) (DE)
Blastocyst-like structures generated from human pluripotent stem cells
Source: Berliner, 17.03.2021

Scientists grew tiny tear glands in a dish — then made them cry
Source:, 16.03.2021

USC Stem Cell scientists start a buzz around fruit flies in hearing research
Source:, 16.03.2021

"Wir brauchen eine breite gesellschaftliche Debatte" (GSCN)(DE)
Source:, 25.02.2021

The key to proper muscle growth (GSCN)
Source:, 26.02.2021

Exercise generates immune cells in bone
Source:, 24.02.2021

Reactivating aging stem cells in the brain
Source:,  24.02.2021

Mount Sinai researchers identify mechanisms that are essential for proper skin development
Source:, 18.02.2021

Embryonalentwicklung in Zellkultur (GSCN)
Source:, 09.02.2021

Cre-Controlled CRISPR mutagenesis provides fast and easy conditional gene inactivation in zebrafish (GSCN)
Source:, 18.02.2021

Elvira Mass erhält Paul Ehrlich- und Ludwig Darmstaedter-Nachwuchspreis 2021 für Erkenntnisse zur Organentwicklung bei der Maus (GSCN)
Source: Uni Frankfurt, 27.01.2021

Fraunhofer ITMP involved in two new European research consortia on research rare childhood diseases (GSCN)
Source: itmp.fraunhofer, 19.01.2021

Evotec und UKE arbeiten an Herzmuskelzellen (DE)
Source:, 09.02.2021

Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation from SARS-CoV-2 positive donors
Source: The Lancet, 01.02.2021

Vertex Announces FDA Clearance of Investigational New Drug (IND) Application for VX-880, a Novel Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
Source: Businesswire, 28.01.2021

Stem cell AI -- 'brain on a chip' project aims to revolutionize computing power
Source: EurekAlert, 28.01.2021

Novel organoid models: Illuminating path to cervical cancers
Source: Eurekalert, 18.01.2021

Formula predicts ideal dose of stem cells to cure HIV
Source:, 12.01.2021

BlueRock Therapeutics in Collaboration with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Receives IND Clearance for DA01 in Parkinson's Disease
Source: PrNewsWire, 07.01.2021

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