Coordinators: ✉️ Sebastian Diecke (Berlin), ✉️ Micha Drukker (Leiden), and ✉️ Harald Stachelscheid (Berlin)
Back in July 2015, scientists from labs throughout Germany that provide services in the field of PSC research (core facilities) met at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) to establish a network to promote scientific and technical exchange as well as collaboration. A high degree of standardization and harmonization is required when working with pluripotent stem cells (PSC), especially when the work is directed towards clinical translation.
This has motivated scientists to exchange the techniques and protocols they have developed. The "Stem Cell Cores," facilities at the different institutes, will establish common standards for experiments and exchange knowledge and materials. This will include expertise regarding techniques to reprogram stem cells, stimulate their differentiation, engineer genomes, and characterize cells, and scientists will exchange useful vectors and cell lines.
The main goal of this first meeting was to bring the Stem Cell Core community together and address topics such as the standardization of quality control and methods to confirm the pluripotent state of hiPSCs. Different working groups within the initiative were assigned topics including culture conditions, the characterization of pluripotency, differentiation-potency, quality control, data management and ethics. The groups will elaborate and recommend standards that will facilitate scientific exchange between groups working at different institutes. Another plan is to establish annual workshops of the Core facilities, and organize satellite meetings at the GSCN International Annual Conferences.
The initiative was launched by Micha Drukker (previous Helmholtz Center Munich), Harald Stachelscheid (BIH Stem Cell Core, BCRT) and Sebastian Diecke (BIH Stem Cell Core, MDC) and supported by the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN).
BIH News 29.8.2015:
Network of German Pluripotent Cores established

Participants 1st Core Facility Meeting, Berlin, July 2015